Hello everyone!
We wanted to remind everyone once again how pet travel works. Per USDA and AWA, adoption is considered as commercial, we must followed the regulations set forth by the government.
Adopted pet must be in good health, need to be properly vaccines per CDC, and at least 6 months of age. Furthermore, specific paperwork must accompany the dog on its trip with a flight volunteer. (1) Health Certificate and Rabies Vaccination Certificate and (2) An import permit issued by APHIS, an agency part of USDA.
In the past, puppy at least 4 months old were able to enter. However, the regulations have changed and became stricter for pet travel (commercial purpose). As many of you know, our group of individuals (activists) are known to shaming individuals and groups for violating and taking advantage of the rescue world. We have many wonderful (ethical and transparent) rescue organizations from both the U.S. and Korea who support us for exposing unethical individuals and groups.
One of the adopters assumed we made up these regulations and decided to do some research on their own. Furthermore, an individual who “referred” these adopters was actively getting involved in the adoption process by providing inaccurate and misleading information. Whenever rescuers rescue a dog, they come up with guesstimated age. This does not guarantee their actual age. To make sure the ages are accurate, rescuers in Korea must double check with their vets for accuracy.
Per vet, this puppy is only 104 days. Rescuers assumed this puppy was older. This is why we have licensed vets. Rescuers are not experts in determining the age of the pets. This unnecessary drama began when the referral’s mother was planning a trip to LA this month. Since the referral’s mother is not the actual adopter, it is mandatory for us to apply for a permit for the puppy’s travel. Which means the puppy DOES NOT quality to travel to the states.
This referral decided to contact one of our rescuers who happened to rescuer her puppy. Giving ultimatums to any one of us leads to nothing. According to this referral, the dog would lose its chance with a great family. More like THEY lost a chance in adopting this beautiful puppy!
We’ve saved every communication with these people for evidence.