Hannah K. Hannah K.


Hello everyone,

We will begin reaching out to applicants for Miel, Momo, Jenny, and Frankie via email to schedule an interview with us. (Zoom Meeting) This does not guarantee approval of your adoption for a specific pet. If you have listed all the family members on our application, please be sure everyone attends this Zoom meeting. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Joey & Bailey Team

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


It’s been 3 days since Kahn stopped receiving IV fluids. He is eating well and is more energetic. Two days ago, other parts of the test our vet conducted showed improvements. Previously, for Kahn to undergo anesthesia was impossible as he was in a horrific condition. Now that his condition has improved, our vet thinks Kahn can take an anesthetic and take a CT scan and determine to see if he has PSS (Portosystemic Shunt).

Kahn has been on IV since the day 1. He’s getting used to receiving IV fluids.

PSS is any vascular anomaly that allows blood from the hepatic portal circulation to bypass the liver and be delivered directly into the systemic circulation. The portal vein is an important blood vessel that normally enters the liver and allows toxic elements in the blood to go through the normal detoxification process. For Kahn, the portal vein is not properly connected. Furthermore, his gall bladder ruptured and made it worse on his tiny body.

As many of you know, Kahn was hospitalized since day one due to anemia and liver damage. After closely watching Kahn, he was suspected of PSS, and to confirm this, he needs a CT scan. Once it’s confirmed, Kahn will immediately need to receive surgery. During this, he may need another blood transfusion.

Kahn finally began eating regular kibbles.

As of date, our medical bill is $6,800 USD. So far, we received $3,760 USD. The majority of the expense is for Kahn. We still have other ten dogs that need surgeries and treatments such as luxating patella, hips, heartworm Immiticide treatments, and many more. We’re estimating around $15,000 USD. For Kahn alone, we’re looking at the estimate of an additional $7,000 USD.

We know it’s a bad time to ask for your help. We hate to beg but have no choice. (This was the main reason why we never fundraised). At this point, we’re so desperate we’re coming to you for your help. (I seriously want to cry! 😭) Will you help us? Will you?

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Hannah K. Hannah K.



It’s been an emotional journey for our team. Our vet has monitored Khan since day one and has conducted more tests to determine what treatment will be necessary to prolong his life. For a couple of days, his liver counts rose, but after that, the liver counts kept dropping. The liver cells themselves are less responsive.

Kahn’s Jaundice increased and decreased in albumin level to 2.1. As the albumin got worse, it complicated many things. Our vet is doing whatever they can to help Kahn and pretty much-tried everything in their power. Our team and the veterinarian group discussed the best option for Kahn. Kahn’s liver is already damaged, and his gall bladder has ruptured.

It’s too late for our vet to save Kahn’s liver, but we wanted to ensure it doesn’t further damage. Our last hope is a blood transfusion for Kahn, and our vet stayed up all night to help this little angel. The main reason for the blood transfusion is to solve Thrombocytopenia, a low blood platelet count. The blood platelet count and albumin deficiency. However, a blood transfusion may be needed again, as it may not solve the problem. Most importantly, if he doesn’t receive the blood transfusion, the chance of Kahn surviving this week is none.

Kahn is not ready to leave us. He wants to live, and we’re not prepared to let him go. He’s only six months old and too young to die. At this point, we don’t even care about the medical expenses. If Kahn can live, that’s all it matters. Can you please help Kahn live a happy life? Can you please help? 🙏

As previously mentioned, Joey & Bailey Foundation normally does not raise funds. As this is an emergency, we’re currently using one of our staff volunteer’s PayPal for Kahn. As we strongly believe in transparency, we will be posting all the donated funds later on this site. We thank you so much for your support and for trusting us to save these fur babies!


Presently, these two fur babies are available for adoption:

HOPE - Bichon Frise, Female, 11 Months Old, 5kg

PENNY - Bichon Frise, Female, 11 Months Old, 5 kg

LINDSEY - Miniature Silver Poodle, Female, 3 Years Old, 3.8 kg

Should you be interested in welcoming one of these two as your forever pet child, please submit your adoption application today. Thank you!

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Prior to submitting your adoption application, please review our FAQS page carefully. Please do not DM us for the availability of any dogs and/or general questions. All information relating to this particular rescue will be posted on our blog page. If you’ve already submitted your adoption application, if you’re application was selected, we will send you an email to schedule a Zoom meeting with us. Please make sure to check your spam/junk mail folder. We will send out a Zoom invitation only once.

Please help us not waste our time by following our instructions as we’re just a group of 5 girls devoting our personal time outside our primary occupations to help find homes. All fees associated with this rescue are coming out of our personal pockets as we do not fundraise for any of our rescues. If you would like to contribute towards this rescue, we will post one of our staff volunteer’s PayPal information. Thank you!


10/31/2022 (07:52 PM) - All test results are in for Kahn. He has a ruptured gall bladder. A strong indication he might have drank some sort of poisonous liquid. Currently, our vet is checking on all their hip and joints for a possible luxating patella.

10/31/2022 (5:01 PM) - We’ve been updating our blog page (previous post) on the latest. To our surprise, one more Poodle joined the gang. Now we have a total of 11 dogs. Upon arrival at the vet, they began testing all dogs, and here are the results:


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: POSITIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: POSITIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: POSITIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: POSITIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: NEGATIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: NEGATIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: POSITIVE

Canine Giardia: POSITIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: NEGATIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: NEGATIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: POSITIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: POSITIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: NEGATIVE


Canine Distemper: NEGATIVE

Canine Influenza: NEGATIVE

Canine Heartworm: NEGATIVE

Canine Parvo/Corona: NEGATIVE

Canine Giardia: NEGATIVE

You will notice we have more available dogs for adoption as we began our adoption process. Please do not think of our adoption as lightly. Please have a discussion with your family if you’re ready to commit to a dog for the next 10-15 years. For questions regarding our adoption process, please read our FAQS page. We can’t be more transparent than this.

Kahn the smallest and the youngest one is in critical condition. His liver counts are high and the blood works are in pretty bad shape. One of his hind legs is misplaced completely. With this current condition, our vet cannot perform any type of surgery on Kahn. More testing will be done on Kahn today. We will provide more details once the vet performs all necessary tests. All dogs will be neutered/spayed, and fully vaccinated. All dogs except for puppies will receive teeth cleaning.

If you started group chats with our team, we will provide your dog’s updated photos, videos, and medical records this week.

Our team is in discussion as to how we plan on raising funds. We planned on spending our personal funds but the medical bills will surpass how much we can spend. We will update you on how you can help with this rescue. If you’re adopting one of the dogs from this rescue, please let us know if you can contribute more. Due to the unforeseen extra medical expenses, we will ask all of our adopters to pay for the travel crate and the water bottles for your pet’s travel. The extra fee will be $50. We’re looking at the estimate of $10K minimum and our adoption fee cannot cover them all.

Since Joey & Bailey Foundation doesn’t even have a PayPal or a bank account, for now, we will be using one of our volunteer’s PayPal:

Thank you,

Joey & Bailey Team

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Prior to submitting your adoption application, please review our FAQS page carefully. Please do not DM us for the availability of any dogs and/or general questions. All information relating to this particular rescue will be posted on our blog page. If you’ve already submitted your adoption application, if you’re application was selected, we will send you an email to schedule a Zoom meeting with us. Please make sure to check your spam/junk mail folder. We will send out a Zoom invitation only once.

Please help us not waste our time by following our instructions as we’re just a group of 5 girls devoting our personal time outside our primary occupations to help find homes. All fees associated with this rescue are coming out of our personal pockets as we do not fundraise for any of our rescues. If you would like to contribute towards this rescue, we will post one of our staff volunteer’s PayPal information. Thank you!

10/31/2022 - Our fur babies are on their way to our vet now (Real Time in Korea). Today, they will receive the first round of Canine Distemper and Rabies. All of them will receive full medical examinations and will be getting tested for Canine Distemper, Parvo/Coronavirus, Giardia, Canine Influenza, and Canine Heartworm.

To our surprise, instead of 10 dogs, 11 dogs have arrived. Meet Bear! He is a male Poodle.

10/27/2022 - Instead of Saturday, we will be transporting the dogs to our vet this coming Monday.

10/26/2022 - We will be transporting the first 10 this Saturday (Korean Time). We have lined up ten fosters to help us take care of these dogs. If you’ve already started a group chat with us, we will invite the foster mom to our chat room.


10/19/2022 - The first 10 dogs will be transported to our vet in Seoul, Korea this week as soon as we find fosters. Presently, our team in Seoul is interviewing fosters. All 50 dogs will be available for adoption in California only and we do not anticipate sending dogs to local rescue organizations here in the states. You must have experience as a dog caretaker.

5 out of 10 dogs are currently infected with Giardia which is a very common parasite found in dogs. All dogs infected with Giardia will be properly treated with a dewormer. All 10 dogs will receive the first rounds of necessary vaccines including rabies. On the day they receive the Rabies vaccines, they will enter the quarantine period of 30 days. All 10 will be spayed or neutered. Once they’re completed, we will have our fosters in Korea pick them up directly from our vet in Seoul.


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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Hi there!

We made an announcement last month on our social media about taking a short break. As many of you know, we’re a group of individuals with full-time careers. We’ve devoted our personal time outside of our work and personal time to finding homes for precious lives rescued from Korea. All of us needed to take a break as we were running behind our workloads and spending time with our loved ones.

Two weeks ago, we received a phone call from an acquaintance of a breeder who was planning on shutting down his business. He’s been in the breeding business for a while but decided to close his permanently. With the remaining dogs, he has a choice of selling them at a discounted price. However, he strongly felt he needed to do the right thing by working with a rescue organization with plenty of experience and hoped many breeders will follow in his step.

With such a request, how can we ignore him? After a long meeting with my team, we’ve decided to help the breeder by finding loving homes in the state of California. In order for us to find 50 fosters in Korea will be a challenge so we’ve decided to break it down into 5 groups. We will begin pulling the first 10 dogs from the breeder’s facility and will be transferred to the local vet in Seoul, Korea. Once we complete transporting the first 10 dogs, we will begin posting on our site.

We will provide detailed updates on our site for this particular rescue. We’re very thankful for this breeder’s decision to work with us to find wonderful homes for his remaining dogs. We truly do hope many breeders and the owners of puppy mills will follow in his step.

How you can support us? We’re the only organization that does not fundraise towards our rescue. We set up a “RECOMMENDATION” section on our site. By you making a purchase from the link provided, we earn a small commission from Amazon. This will help us cover the expenses associated with website maintenance.

Thank you,

Hannah K.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Meet Kirby! He is only a year old and weighs 6 kg. He was rescued by our staff volunteer @merci_tess on the day he was scheduled to be euthanized. He had a home and his previous pet owner stopped by the shelter and explained the reason why she had to surrender him to a high-kill shelter. She’s moving into her new place and they don’t allow dogs. She made it clear she no longer wanted him. It was okay for her dog to be killed if no one stepped up and takes him home. Kirby is now safe and having so much fun with his new foster mom in Seoul.

Our staff volunteer, Jay rushed Kirby to our vet in Seoul for a full medical check up on the day he was rescued from the high-kill shelter in Incheon, Korea.

We’ve received all sorts of DMs, emails, and adoption applications that were not worth reading. Some ask if we can give away a dog for free, and some are trying to negotiate on adoption fees. I know that we’re going through tough times with inflation and recession. However, we’re dealing with lives here, not an item. Many of you know Joey & Bailey Foundation does not fundraise and collects zero adoption fees, as we have the adopters pay directly to the rescue organizations or rescuers. With Kirby, this was our rescue, and a staff who decided to save him will work as a rescuer.

All of us work full time, and we’re currently spending our own money to cover expenses associated with rescuing dogs. The average cost per rescued dog, we need to spend at least $1000 - $1500. The adoption fee is only $300 plus transportation (flight fee). This means each dog we rescue costs $700 - $750. For an individual to spend that much can be overwhelming. I truly wish people would research how adoption works and the responsibility of having a pet.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Daisy was transported to @k9behaviorcollege on August 24, 2022. On the very first day, there was a massive improvement with Daisy. Daisy wanted to take control of everything for her to feel safe and protected. Daisy's feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty develop from not knowing what the future holds for her. Will I survive? Will I have a permanent home? Will I eat?

Daisy's trainer Lisa began training that catered to Daisy's behavioral issues. We're confident Daisy will find a home that will give her the care and attention she needs to feel loved. The past obedient training offered in Korea failed as it could not accommodate her needs. Along with @wallyandpippa, we will be visiting Daisy this weekend.

Whoever adopts Daisy is lucked out as you will be offered one session with the world's best trainer, Lisa. Many of you probably recognize her from the @cesarsway show. We can't wait to see her again for the next season.


Daisy was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Korea. She was one of the few dogs to survive this horrific shelter. Our partner rescue group @youumbba discovered live dogs eating their dead friend's body for survival. This shelter was not open to the public and prohibited anyone from entering. This evil person intentionally killed some dogs. 16 dogs were burned to death by an "unknown fire outbreak".

Daisy was one of the 17 dogs to survive. Due to her dark history, she has a resource guarding problem.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.



We need your help! Please help us pay Daisy’s training fee. 🙇🏻‍♀️ Many of you probably will remember seeing an adoption posting for Daisy. Daisy is very selective when it comes to people and animals. Her resource guarding has worsened, to the point, that we need to seek professional help. An opportunity for expert training has been made available for Daisy, who is young, energetic, and shows great training potential.

Going from shelter to shelter means that Daisy was not given the focused attention that her personality needs. She is lucky to have this chance to become the fantastic dog we see in her, but we need help getting her there. Daisy’s training will be handled by Lisa Porter from @k9behaviorcollege and we’re very confident Daisy will be ready for the real world. 😍

Our goal amount is $2000.

On Memo, please write: FOR DAISY and DM us a screenshot We can’t thank you enough for your continued love and support for us. Thank you so much! 🙇🏻‍♀️


Daisy was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Korea. She was one of the few dogs to survive this horrific shelter. Our partner rescue group @youumbba discovered live dogs eating their dead friend’s body for survival. This shelter was not open to the public and prohibited anyone from entering. Some dogs were intentionally killed by this evil person. 😥

16 dogs were burned to death by an “unknown fire outbreak”. 🔥 Daisy was one of the 17 dogs to survive. Due to her dark history, she has a resource guarding problem.

Please help us help Daisy! #helpdaisytheblacklab 🙏

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Hello everyone,

Happy Saturday. Due to our overwhelming schedules with both personal and work, our team had to cut down on our volunteer time. We do feel bad about this. At the same time, we do need to continue with our lives. Before, we used to provide updates to all adoptions on our blog section. However, this year especially, we were solely using our Instagram and Facebook accounts to update our supporters. Today, we wanted to provide you a year to date adoption updates on a quarterly basis.

January 2022

1/5/2022 - Churro and Leo. Churro was rescued from a horrific dog farm in Gumi, Korea, and Leo was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Changwon, Korea.

1/6/2022 - Aaron and Miles. Aaron was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Changwon, Korea, and Miles is a three-legged Miniature Poodle living in a small town located in Gyeonggi Province.

1/29/2022 - Yoyo. Yoyo was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Sejeong, Korea. Yoyo’s adoption was handled by our partner group, WUFAW.

1/31/2022 - Philo and Biscuit. Philo was rescued from a dog farm in Gumi, Korea, and Biscuit was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Gyeonggi Province.

February 2022

2/20/22 - Miel and Sun. Both Miel and Sun were rescued from the dog farm in Gumi, Korea.

2/26/2022 - Becky, Chloe, and Tomi. Becky and Chloe were rescued from the dog farm in Gumi, Korea, and Tomi was a stray rescued by our partner group in Korea, Youumbba. Tomi’s adoption was handled by our partner group, WUFAW.

March 2022

3/19/2022 - Ray and Milo- Ray was rescued by Milo at a high kill shelter in Gyeonggi Province and Ray was a neglected puppy rescued from an elder residing in Gyeonggi Province as well.

3/26/2022 - Hailey and Nile. Both Hailey and Nile were rescued by our staff volunteer, Yejin. They were abandoned by illegal immigrants who were deported. They left behind a mother dog named, Wendy who gave birth to four beautiful puppies.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.



It’s been a while since the last post on our blog. Presently, it’s just me maintaining both site and our social media accounts. I am doing my best to update you on all of our rescued dogs on our social media accounts. As of today, a total of 42 dogs traveled to the states and are now with their forever pet families. As many of you may know, our adoption process is slower compared to other groups because we like to double-check and triple-check if the dog of interest will be the right fit for the family.

Noah and Rina arrived safely in Los Angeles to be with their new pet families with a help from their flight volunteer on May 10, 2022.

What differentiates Joey & Bailey Foundation from other organizations? As our group is a volunteer-operated organization, we do not collect any funds directly. Presently, we’re spending our personal funds to help the cause and sometimes, it can be overwhelming. For the past couple of months, we’ve been receiving adoption applications that I somewhat question. As an adoption coordinator volunteer, it is my duty to make sure I find the best home for these dogs. Based on my experience dealing with a couple of questionable individuals, I’ve decided to make our adoption process stricter. Hence, the delay in our adoption process.

Our rescued dogs depend on us to help them find their forever homes and I cannot imagine sending them to a random household as they’ve gone through so much pain and suffering. We have an amazing group of fosters in Seoul, Korea. Even our interview process for fosters is very strict and lengthy. We make sure they are also the right fit for our rescued dogs. It is mandatory for all fosters to provide basic training including potty training. These fosters spend their own money on taking care of rescued dogs.

Bentley, Emma, Liby, and Ponzo arrived safely in Los Angeles on June 20, 2022 with a help from their flight volunteers.

You probably noticed on our site why some of the dogs rescued from Namyangju Puppy Mill are still listed on our site. All the dogs received plenty of adoption applications. It could be that they were not the right fit for our dogs. We used to find homes outside of California but decided to change to California only in case something happens, our volunteers based in Los Angeles can take action. Yes, call us paranoid people lol. That’s how much we love and care for our dogs.

We began accepting foster and foster-to-adopt applications on our site. Should you be interested in becoming a foster, please fill out our Volunteer Application. We’re looking for someone who has the same beliefs as we do. We now have about 16 dogs who are looking for a chance in finding their forever home. Should you be interested in becoming their pet parents, please let us know.


Hannah K.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


First of all, we'd like to thank all of our adopters and supporters for both @we.a.c.t x @joeyandbailey. Presently, all crew members for @we.a.c.t are overwhelmed with responses via DM’s and emails. They don’t even have time to post on their social media as everyone is currently out in the field. Unfortunately, both groups do not have enough manpower to answer any questions about this particular rescue.

For personal adoption, as soon as these dogs are ready for adoption, we will post them on our site. Please look for our posting for upcoming adoptions.

Presently, we're nowhere near preparing them for adoption. The majority of the dogs have the following medical problems: patella lunation, heartworm, skin disease, gum disease, ear infection, etc... On some dogs,  you can see ovarian tumors for giving birth to many puppies. Some have a permanent opening below their intestine area. For now, our partner @we.a.c.t needs to secure a space for all dogs to be safe as they're in a bad location.

We’re asking all Korean citizens to donate supplies for these dogs: food, water, blanket, doggie supplies, etc…  We're looking at an average of $1000-$2000 for their medical expenses. If we were to do the math properly, we're looking at close to $300K - $600K. For now, the target goal right now is $150K. We're hoping that some of the local rescue organizations in Korea will step up and help!

Today, a few individual rescuers stopped by and took six dogs with them. Can we pull this off? Can we do this? Will you help us? Will you support us?

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


These Maltese once had a home in Korea but was soon neglected, abused, and abandoned either at a high kill shelter or a farm. All of them were given second chance in life to start fresh in the states. Now they are with their forever pet families here in California receiving all the love, attention, and care they deserve to have.

We currently have a dedicated group chat rooms on KakaoTalk app for our adopters. If you’re an adopter of Joey & Bailey Foundation and have not received the invitation to join the group chat, please reach out to us.

Harley was rescued from a high kill shelter in Incheon, Korea. A year later, the adopters for Harley welcomed Cinnamon to join their family last month. Cinnamon was rescued from a hoarder in Gumi, Korea. Cinnamon and Harley found their forever home in Fullerton, California.

Mickey was rescued from a high kill shelter in Changwon, Korea. He found his forever home in Pasadena, California.

Peanut was rescued from a high kill shelter in Incheon, Korea. He found his forever home in Brea, California.

Bailey was rescued from a high kill shelter in Incheon, Korea. He found his forever home in Sunnyvale, California.

Spring was rescued from a high kill shelter in Suwon, Korea. She found her forever home in Mission Viejo, California.

Gus Gus was rescued from a high kill Shelter in Incheon, Korea. He found his forever home in Los Angeles, California. Gus Gus is probably THE MOST picky eater.

Flynn was rescued from a high kill shelter in Incheon, Korea. He found his forever home in Los Angeles, California.

Jun was rescued from a high kill shelter in Gangneung, Korea. He found his forever home in Los Angeles, California.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


We desperately need your help. With help from our partner rescue organization in Korea, we were able to intercept four Poodle puppies from being transferred to the local high kill shelter. A total of 19 Poodles were found in a tiny apartment located in Mapo-gu Seoul, Korea.

This individual had an obsession for Poodles and began breeding the Minature Poodles from his apartment. He started with two then multiplied to 19 in which he definitely cannot handle.

As many of you know, we don’t have enough to cover their medical expenses. We cannot let the city euthanized these puppies. They’re too young to die. Any amount will be greatly appreciated! Please help us.

We will be accepting adoption applications for these 4 Red Poodle puppies. Please submit your adoption application today before it’s too late. Adoption is open to California Residents with a minimum of 3 experience raising a fur baby. To learn about our adoption process, please visit our FAQS page.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


With the temperature reaching 90 degrees and the humidity level of 69%, a total of 74 dogs were prisoned in outside cages. Their food and water bowls were covered with dead flies and moss. These dogs had zero access to water or food for weeks. This dog farm is operated by a hoarder who no longer had an interest in them. According to this woman, she reached out to The City of Gumi two years ago. The City of Gumi acknowledged receipt of her request but did nothing for two years. For the past two years, these innocent dogs were neglected, starved, and abused in this impoverished environment amid people's irresponsibility.

As soon as @we.a.c.t arrived at the scene, they immediately filled up empty bows with kibbles and clean water. Some dogs were drinking for a few minutes. Just imagine being trapped inside a cage made out of steel under the sun. Yesterday, @we.a.c.t rescued seven, another group rescued four, and the City of Gumi "saved" five (Transferred to a nearby high kill shelter), and one was found dead. There are still 57 dogs remaining at the farm waiting for help. @joeyandbailey has committed to rescuing 10.

As many of you know, rescuing dogs can be costly. We ask you to help our sisters out at @we.a.c.t so that they can bring more dogs into safety. @we.a.c.t. is a 100% volunteer-operated rescue organization. They spend $0 on operating expenses. All your donations will go directly to these dogs.

PayPal: weACT Korea

Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Together, let’s save these precious fur babies. Thank you in advance.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.



Busy week ahead of us! Our plan beginning of August was to cutdown. Yeah right! Who are we kidding? We have total of 9 dogs arriving this week:


8/9/21 ATL - Brownie

8/9/21 LAX - Ashton and Riley

8/10/21 LAX - Pluto, Pongo, Peyton, and Jordi

8/15/21 LAX - Beans and Roy

More flights to follow……… ✈️


Brie (Border Collie Mix). Currently fostered by Semo’s adopters.

Ian (Bichon Frise). Currently fostered by our staff volunteer, Jeannie.

Oreo (Beagle). Foster to adopt by Izzy’s adopters.

Haroo (Jack Russell). Currently fostered by Zero and Benjamin’s adopters.

Riley (Labrador Retriever). Will be fostered by Wally and Pippa’s adopters.

Ashton (Bedlington Terrier). Foster to adopt.

If you’re waiting to finalize the adoption process with us, we will get back to you by Wednesday at the latest. The current wait time for the adoption process is 2 weeks. We do ask you to check your local shelters and/or rescue organizations as there are so many beautiful dogs that need their forever homes. 🙏

For Los Angeles so many adorable canines are available at the local shelters. Check out @castaic.and.scv.animals or @savingcarsonshelterdogs ❤️

For Washington State, check out Aberdeen Scottish Terrier Rescue

For Nevada, check out Retriever Rescue Las Vegas

For New Jersey/New York, check out Faith Canine Rescue

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Every pet owner’s biggest fear is losing their pet. It can happen at any time and any day.  It is a must for all of our adopters to purchase a martingale collar as their newly adopted pets are arriving at an unfamiliar area. So, how to prevent your dog from running away? 


At all times, please make sure your entrance door is fully closed. Many pet owners will say, my dog will never leave my sight. Anything and any sounds can easily disturb your pet. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Dogs have sensitive ears and some sounds can intense the fear response: the sound of a motorcycle, trash trucks, skateboards. These are examples of few sounds that may trigger. If you’re planning a Barbeque party with your friends, please make sure to keep your dog on a leash and double-check to see if your gate is fully secured.


The martingale collar offers more support and more control while walking the dog. If a neck collar and/or the harness you’re currently using is prone to slipping out, then we highly recommend using a martingale collar.

This PetSafe martingale collar was purchased on Amazon. There are many other brands available on both Amazon and Etsy. Please make sure to check the reviews prior to purchase this collar.

This PetSafe martingale collar was purchased on Amazon. There are many other brands available on both Amazon and Etsy. Please make sure to check the reviews prior to purchasing this collar.

What makes the martingale collar unique? Compared to the traditional neck collar, the martingale collar has two loops. One loop is to put around your dog’s neck and make sure the collar is properly adjusted. The second loop is for the extra control when your dog begins to pull. This particular martingale collar was purchased from Amazon. It’s made by PetSafe and the price is very decent. Another brand that is good is called, Country Brook.

If your dog is a puller, the traditional neck collar will tighten around your dog’s neck and create a space between the back of the neck and the collar that is attached to the leash. The collar can easily slip off. The martingale collar is used by many of the trainers and the rescuers.


If your dog is active and you want additional protection then we recommend using both a martingale collar and a harness. When purchasing a harness, please make sure to read all customer’s reviews. Some brands now offer martingale harnesses. We haven’t personally tested them out yet.

Renard (Shiba Inu) was rescued from an illegal puppy mill in Sooncheon, Korea. He is wearing a martingale with the backup clip.

Renard (Shiba Inu) was rescued from an illegal puppy mill in Sooncheon, Korea. He is wearing a martingale with the backup clip.

Every dog has different shaped bodies. Not all harnesses will work the same for your dog. You can connect the martingale collar to the harness by using the backup clip. This you can also easily find it on Amazon. Don’t forget to check the reviews.

If you have a medium or a large-size breed that is highly active or has a history of running away, we highly recommend you purchase a backup clip and simply clip it to the martingale collar and to the harness of your choice. This method will provide you with better control of your pet.


The Fi collar is a GPS tracking collar used to quickly locate your dog in case they get lost. With this device, you can track your dog's location by downloading the brand’s mobile app. Some devices also keep track of your dog’s daily activities giving you insights about how much exercise your dog is getting on a daily basis. This device is a great way to check on your pet while you're away from home.

Maggie (Golden Retriever) is wearing a martingale collar and a FI collar.

Pepper’s adopter demonstrates how AirTag works on her Instagram. Please be sure to check out her post on AirTag. When using the AirTag, please make sure the device is secured to the accessory. Otherwise, this can easily fall off and possibly of your dog chewing.

Pepper was rescued by Youumbba based in Seoul, Korea. We thank their adopter for sharing this device with us. Photo Credit: @ppprmix

Pepper was rescued by Youumbba based in Seoul, Korea. We thank their adopter for sharing this device with us. Photo Credit: @ppprmix

Maggie’s adopter found this accessory on Amazon. This particular accessory is attached directly to the neck collar. This accessory offers protection against daily wear and tear. We haven’t tried out this accessory yet. If you have, please share with us your experience with the above-mentioned accessory.

Yes, it’s very costly to raise a pet. However, all of us will agree that they are worth every penny.


Renard (Shiba Inu) - Renard was rescued from an illegal puppy mill located in Sooncheon, Korea. He found his forever home in Anaheim Hills, California.

Maggie (Golden Retriever) - Maggie was surrendered by her previous owners. They used her as a guard dog, forcing her to live outside on a short chain. She found her forever home in Malibu, California.

Mochi (Pomeranian) - Mochi was rescued from a pet shop. She found her forever home in Irvine, California.

Yuji (Shiba Inu) - Yuji was rescued together with his brother Renard from an illegal puppy mill. He found his forever home in Los Angeles, California.

Shiloh (Welsh Corgi Pembroke Mix) - Shiloh was rescued from a high kill shelter in Changwon, Korea. She found her forever home in Los Angeles, California.

Joey & Bailey Foundation is not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned in this blog post. However, we may earn a small commission from Amazon to help us maintain our website.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.



We sincerely hope you and your family are doing well during this unprecedented times. Presently, we have two dogs (Haroo and Apple) currently being fostered in the Los Angeles area:

Haroo (Jack Russell)

Haroo (Jack Russell)

Haroo (Jack Russell) is currently being fostered by Benji and Zero’s adopters, Jenni in Hermosa Beach. We will be interviewing approved potential adopters this week. She is your typical Jack Russell constantly wanting to play! She loves receiving lots of attention from people and is great with other canines and kids.

We prefer a household with a backyard or a large patio area for this princess, as she loves to run around. For more information, please read her adoption profile.

Apple (Dachshund Mix)

Apple (Dachshund Mix)

Apple (Dachshund Mix) is currently being fostered in Los Angeles. We’re looking for a family with no children as Apple prefers to receive lots of love from her potential pet parents. Apple is great with other canines. We needed to hide her adoption profile since Apple was mentally abused by her original foster in Korea. We needed to separate Apple from her original foster in Korea.

She’s being doing great with her new foster in Los Angeles. She really enjoys long walks and hiking. We prefer a household with another canine. For more information on Apple, please contact us.

We will begin fostering more available dogs in the greater Los Angeles area. The following rescued dogs will be fostered here beginning next month:

Ashton (Bedlington Terrier) - Superb personality. Great with kids and other dogs.

Ian (Bichon Frise) - Prefer a household with no kids. Loves cuddling.

Brie (Border Collie Mix) - Great with kids.

Joseph (Shiba Inu) - We will be finalizing his adoption soon.

Riley (Labrador Retriever) - Currently interviewing potential adopters.

Oreo (Beagle) - Looking for a loving home. Great personality and loves being cuddled.

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Hannah K. Hannah K.



It’s been a while since our last post. We hope all of you and your family are healthy! We did it! We’ve all survived through the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s give ourselves a pat in the back. This week, we will be reaching out to potential adopters for the following pets:

Robin (Golden Retriever) and Cookie (Shiba Inu Mix)

Please be sure to double-check your inbox because we only send the email once! Don’t forget to check your junk (spam) folder.

We began the adoption process for the following pets:

Jordi (Jindo Mix), Paisley (Jindo Mix), Pluto (Jindo Mix), and Pongo (Jindo Mix)

We have two upcoming flights with four of our recently adopted dogs. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @joeyandbailey

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Hannah K. Hannah K.


Buddy aka Piper was rescued from Leo’s Shelter in Paju, Korea. He was forced to love outside the cage even during the cold winter season. Buddy found a loving home in Los Angeles. He is loved and spoiled by his pet parents.

One week later, Buddy’s pet parents noticed blood all over their carpet. They discovered a mass by his chest. He was rushed to the emergency pet hospital. The veterinarian discovered Mast Cell Tumor (MCT) in his chest. To make sure the tumor doesn’t spread throughout his body, he will undergo surgery this Friday at 7:30 a.m.

Our adopters already spent so much on many vet visits and we want to help them with Buddy’s surgery. Any amounts will be greatly appreciated. 🙏 Please help Buddy live a healthy and happy life with the people he loves very much. Please read the full description of Buddy’s condition on the GoFundMe page. 😢


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