We had a super busy week in the midst of chaos. We were blessed with two wonderful flight volunteers who went out of their way for our rescued dogs. Mia and Mitch arrived safely in Los Angeles on September 11, 2020. Mia was greeted by her forever pet daddy and Mitch were greeted by our fosters Meiwen and Lenny (Olive’s Adopter). Olive was rescued from an illegal street vendor in front of Gupo Dog Meat Market in Busan, Korea. She found her forever family 3 years ago.

Both Mia and Mitch were rescued from a high kill shelter in Changwon, Korea. Mia gave birth to two beautiful puppies and both were adopted locally. Mia on the other hand was still at the high kill shelter and was listed on the kill list. As soon as we posted her adoption profile, over 80 inquiries and adoption applications were received. We immediately transferred her to our foster and discovered she had a heart worm disease. We began the immiticide treatment for Mia and waited until she was healthy enough to travel to Los Angeles to be with her forever pet daddy.

Mitch once had a home but was abandoned by his own family. With many adoption applications received, we needed to find a foster while we continue with the adoption process for Mitch. Mitch is in good hands with his fosters in Alhambra, California.


