Our team recently discovered @leo_pajucity_shelter. Currently, there is a total of 60 dogs that needs immediate help. The majority of these dogs were rescued on the day to be killed at the local high kill shelters in Korea. Some were either stray or abandoned by their previous owners.
This shelter is operated by a handicapped individual and it’s impossible for him to take care of each and every dogs. In the past, another well-known rescue organization in Korea approached him and said they will help with the adoption process. (Many of their fosters are currently following us). However, instead of helping, they took advantage of his kindness and left behind 10 dogs their organization rescued.
This individual is having financial difficulties and could barely take care of himself. This place has kibbles that will last them only a month. We have reached out to the rescue organization in Korea with who we have a love and hate relationship with and they’ve agreed to send 2 tons of kibbles.
This place was originally discovered by one of our foster @protective_diary. She fostered Ivy and now fostering Isabelle and Tera. Presently, it is only her and her friends sending kibbles to this shelter. We really like all of these dogs to live their lives to the fullest.
We will begin the rescue/adoption process for the first 7 dogs. Please look for their adoption profiles this month. (Not sure which week as it depends on how fast we can move).