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Meet Kirby! He is only a year old and weighs 6 kg. He was rescued by our staff volunteer @merci_tess on the day he was scheduled to be euthanized. He had a home and his previous pet owner stopped by the shelter and explained the reason why she had to surrender him to a high-kill shelter. She’s moving into her new place and they don’t allow dogs. She made it clear she no longer wanted him. It was okay for her dog to be killed if no one stepped up and takes him home. Kirby is now safe and having so much fun with his new foster mom in Seoul.

Our staff volunteer, Jay rushed Kirby to our vet in Seoul for a full medical check up on the day he was rescued from the high-kill shelter in Incheon, Korea.

We’ve received all sorts of DMs, emails, and adoption applications that were not worth reading. Some ask if we can give away a dog for free, and some are trying to negotiate on adoption fees. I know that we’re going through tough times with inflation and recession. However, we’re dealing with lives here, not an item. Many of you know Joey & Bailey Foundation does not fundraise and collects zero adoption fees, as we have the adopters pay directly to the rescue organizations or rescuers. With Kirby, this was our rescue, and a staff who decided to save him will work as a rescuer.

All of us work full time, and we’re currently spending our own money to cover expenses associated with rescuing dogs. The average cost per rescued dog, we need to spend at least $1000 - $1500. The adoption fee is only $300 plus transportation (flight fee). This means each dog we rescue costs $700 - $750. For an individual to spend that much can be overwhelming. I truly wish people would research how adoption works and the responsibility of having a pet.