We will be using the public park in front of The National Assembly in Seoul, Korea as our temporary ground for all rescued dogs. So far, none of the local Korean rescue organizations have reached out to help out. Also, non of the large international rescue organizations reached out to us offering their support. It is the small rescue organizations in Nevada, Arizona, and Washington that is showing their full support.
It is still just us, group of individuals taking care of this dogs. Dogs in critical conditions were rushed to the local vets for full medical examinations. 7 large breeds rushed to the vet, 4 dogs are infected with heartworm and will need further treatments. Some of the puppies were also rushed to the vets, as some showed severe respiratory problems and could barely sit down. Due to limited space, we have no choice but to wait until previous dogs taken to the vets are all discharged.
60 warmhearted individuals just like you and I gathered in Seoul, rotating to take care of these dogs. Many residents of Seoul offered their help after reading a news article regarding this rescue. All of them witness their friends being tortured and slaughtered for human consumption. Just imagine how many dogs lost their lives at this evil farm in Yangsan? We found many tools (including bent aluminum baseball bats) used to torture these dogs. Just imagine the pain and suffering all of them faced. How can we ignore them? How can we leave them behind?
Through this opportunity, we would like to make following statements world wide:
Spread awareness about dog meat trade in Korea
Ethical fundraising and rescuing
Proper care of rescued dogs
We see many med to large rescue organizations world wide asking for funds in an effort to end animal cruelty. Where are you now? It is us individuals from all around the world (U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, etc…) supporting towards this rescue. I ask you again, where are you now? Are you coming to help us?
Out of desperation, we started a GoFundMe page to help cover all expenses toward this rescue. Every dollar will be spent strictly on this rescue. (This excludes, gas, water, and food for all volunteers participating). Within less than 2 days, we’ve raised over $12K by 29 donors on our GoFundMe page. We thank each and everyone of you for helping these 64 dogs. Per my previous posting, we don’t know the exact amount we will need until we receive all medical records of 64 dogs. We are praying that all of them have minor medical issues. Once again, thank you so much for your love and support. Together, let’s all make sure all 64 for are healthy and find their forever homes. Thank you!!!
Hannah K.
Out of desperation, we started a GoFundMe page last minute to cover rescue fees. We believe in ethical fundraising and every $1 we spent towards this rescue, we will post upon receipt of all receipts and invoices. We would like to take this opportunity to prove to you all our ethical practice in fundraising and rescuing of dog meat trade dogs. It is too much for us individuals to handle.
This has now become public’s rescue. We are asking any citizens of Republic of Korea to help us and started an open forum for everyone to participate. Presently, there are approximately 50 volunteers helping with this rescue. These warmhearted individuals are stopping by to donate all necessary items for rescued dogs. This has now become ALL OF OUR RESCUE.
Total head count for dogs rescued from this horrific dog farm is 64 (52 adult canines and 12 puppies). We don’t know the exact medical conditions all all dogs presently but we do notice severe skin diseases and respiratory problems with some dogs. We’re hoping none of the dogs have heartworms and other diseases such as Parvo, corona, and distemper. Otherwise, we’re looking at additional $10k-$30k. Worst case scenario, we’re looking at $1000 per dog for Heartworm treatments, testings, spay/neuter, and full vaccinations
We would like to reach out to large rescue organizations in the U.S. to help us with this rescue. If you know of any, please tag them here and send them an email please. More the merrier. They have no problem reaching out to us whenever they have a question or need help on their end. One group based in Los Angeles committed to taking 10 rescued dogs, then backed out. Another group had no problem stealing dogs from Hanam to raise funds on their end. Where are you now when we need you the most? If we can get a commitment of 2 dogs per local rescue groups in the U.S., we will forever be grateful.
If you’re with a rescue group in the U.S. or Canada and would like to help us find forever homes for these fur babies, please email at: adopt@joeyandbailey.org. We welcome experienced personal adopters as well. Thank you so much! <3
We held a press conference in front of Korea National Assembly to spread words on dog meat trade. This will be the temporary base ground for all of our rescued dogs.