All 65 dogs are now removed from this dogmeat farm. Tomorrow starting at 9 a.m. (Korean Time), all goats will be moved by truck and the bulldozers will arrive on the site.

Korea is the only country that promotes their own breed Korean Jindo as dogmeats. The Korean Jindo is a breed of hunting dog that originated on Jindo Island in South Korea. Jindos are known to be very loyal to their owners. Unfortunately, there is no demand for Korean Jindos any longer as household pets. Majority of the Korean Jindos found in the dogmeat farms and slaughterhouses or chained up rest of their lives.

Everyday, these dogs watch their friends being tortured and slaughtered in front of their cages. Not knowing when they'll be slaughtered, they live in fears and hide in the corner hoping that they will live one more day. Majority of the dogs rescued from dogmeat farm are infected with heartworm disease and corona. Yet, people want to eat them?

For us to treat each dogs, the estimate is between $600-$2000 (USD) depending on their health conditions. The first group of dogs admitted to the vet were diagnosed with heartworm and corona. We're hoping and praying that remaining dogs are healthier. (Crossing our fingers). Presently, amount owed to the vet is roughly at $3000 USD. The vet will not discharge the current dogs and make room for more unless we take care of outstanding balance.

Those of you that are new and not familiar with us, thank you for your generosity and thank you for trusting us. Just to give you a brief history on us, we're just group of three girls from the states that have great passions for animals, particularly dogs. We've decided to devote our personal time in an effort to help save precious lives in Korea. Presently, Annie and Ivy are residing in Korea, shutting down dogmeat farms in Korea. You would think these two girls do not have full time jobs. All of us work full time and yet, we manage to rescue and find homes for rescued dogs. If we're lucky, we'll get 4 hours of sleep.

It seems like no rescue organizations want to help shutting down dogmeat farms and/or slaughterhouses. You see many advertisements on social media raising funds in an effort to shutdown dogmeat farms. We completely stopped relying on large rescue organizations based in Korea and other parts of the world from our personal experiences.

In the past, we had one well known rescue organization using our photos to raise funds all over social media. We received zero funds from this organization. Then, they staged like it was their rescue to receive more funds by stealing our rescued dogs overnight. All of us were appalled by their unethical action and completely lost all faith and trust in their so-called rescue organization. Hence, our decision to never work with large rescue organizations. FYI, No rescue organizations are shutting down any dogmeat farms in Korea currently.

If you're planning on donating to an animal rescue organization on a regular basis, please do your research prior to donating. Find out what percentage of your donated funds are actually used towards the rescue and see if their website provide expense sheets. We don't believe in having large operating expense. We seldom raise funds towards a rescue and this is only the second official fundraising hosted by us.

We believe in transparency of all donations received. All donations and expenses will be managed by us three girls. Just like the previous fundraising we did for Yansang, we will post receipts and invoices on our site. Your funds will be used to cover for medical expenses only. We will be paying the vet directly! This will be the last rescue for Ivy before she moves back to the states.

Thank you in advanced for helping us save previous lives. Thank you so much for your support. This means a lot to us.

Annie's Instagram

Ivy's Instagram


